Friends & Family Test

Northern Orthodontics are highly recommended by our patients - our regular patient satisfaction surveys show that we provide the highest quality care and service to our patients.

What is the Friends & Family Test (FFT)?

The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is designed to help us understand whether our patients are happy with the service and care that we provide, and/or areas where patients feel we need to improve. The survey is quick to complete and totally anonymous.

 What is the Friends & Family Test (FFT)?

The purpose of the Northern Orthodontics FFT

We ask all of our patients, whether you are NHS or Private;

“How likely are you to recommend Northern Orthodontics to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?”

Our main aim at Northern orthodontics is to provide the highest quality of care and service for our patients. We love to hear from each and every one of them and dedicate all our efforts into making our patients happy.

 The purpose of the Northern Orthodontics FFT

Anonymous and honest feedback

Northern Orthodontics absolutely want to know the honest opinions of our patients. There is no better audience to learn from and it gives us opportunity to correct any shortfalls or mistakes that we might make.

We are fully aware that some patients may be reluctant to give us their feedback but all of the responses are completely anonymous.

 Anonymous and honest feedback

Book a fullOrthodontic consultation

Dr Mojtaba will undertake a thorough assessment and determine the best treatment for you.

By confirming your details you are agreeing to our privacy policy.

*An admin fee of £150 is applicable for written reports for patients under 18 years of age.

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